One Piece 1082 Episode A Little Show Impressions & Considerations


A little show of episode 1082 of One Piece has been announced.

There is one thing that bothers me from this little show, so I’ll write about it.

Lieutenant General T-Bone

The first thing I felt was that I was happy that T-Bone became a lieutenant general.

T-Bone was defeated by Zoro, but he was the highest level of personality in the world of One Piece.

I felt happy that he was getting promoted smoothly.

That’s why I feel sorry for the news of this death.

It seems that the T-bone was hit because the cross guild’s bounty system is involved.

Moreover, the culprit is not a pirate, but an ordinary citizen.

I expected the cross guild’s bounty system to intensify the battle between pirates and the navy, but the impact on the general public was a blind spot.

It has become a development that it is not strange for non-government member countries to move to defeat marines.

The Japanese country is also non-membered, so there seems to be a way to do it.

I thought the Navy had a powerful weapon called Seraphim, but there is a dispute over the Vega Punk relationship.

I’m looking forward to what the Navy will do to protect the marines in the future.

